What is the common trait of all entrepreneurs? The basic things that are common among the entrepreneurs is the hard-working people who do not fear to dive into the things for which they are naturally passionate.
You have always heard that you should always make your passion as your job. People can do things for free for their passion. If you will opt your passion, you will do things with the natural capacity and will not be forced to do the work. You should always choose the profession which would be done for free by you.
The dreams of entrepreneurs are quite alluring if they are about being their own boss as well as ranking their fortunes in the highest among the world. There are both upsides as well as downsides of these dreams. If being your own boss is your biggest fantasy than you have to keep that in mind that the income is never guaranteed. The sponsored employers’ benefits usually go side by side. If your business is at stake, the major hit you will get would be on the very personal assets of the owners and not merely on the bottom line of the corporation. The present article is not about the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur but it is about the characteristics and traits which are necessary to diffuse the wrong sides and are required to be a successful entrepreneur. Let’s take a look at those characteristics as suggested by Dr jay Feldman:
At the start of any business, it is one of the most important steps to handle the sales as well as customer interactions at a very personal level. The possible way of earning the honest feedback is the direct contact with client. The direct contact with client also gives a complete information about the likes and dislikes of the clients as well as about the aspects which can be done a lot better.
As per the suggestions of Dr jay Feldman, this thing is definitely of extreme benefit but it is not always required to be the only interface for the customers. The entrepreneurs should make their employees capable of inviting the customer comments. This thing gives the feelings of empowerment to the customers but they also result in the happy customers which can make suggestions and recommendation to other people for getting services.
One of the significant edges that the home-based entrepreneurs hold over the mega companies is answering the telephone calls of the clients on personal basis. In the present time of highly technological black lash, usually the clients get frustrated with the automated answers, responses and menus which are touch tuned. Hearing a human voice can be more attracting for the clients as they will feel that the person is interested in working with them at personal level. They will feel encouraged as well as appreciated. It is also an important fact that the entrepreneurs who offer their personal services has almost 80 percent of repeated clients.
Dr jay Feldman further adds that in addition to the personal access with the clients, the customers when exposed to the high technology, they also expect to be contacted through a well-polished website. If the business of an entrepreneur is not related with the high technological industry, still they will like to have access and customer contact through a well maintained and highly polished website. It is of no wonder that a simple and garage-based company which is even at its initial stages of business has a better website than a company which owns one hundred million dollars. All you have to make sure is that the person on the other end of the telephone is a live human being.
According to Dr jay Feldman, the second most common trait of a successful entrepreneur is the flexibility. There is certain business owner which can find the picture-perfect formulas which can be get straight out of the heaven. In contrast to that, we can also state that the ideas can be morphed over the period of time. All you have to do belongs to your mind and ideas either you tweak the designs of products or play with the alteration of food items on some menu.
Ex Starbucks chairman and CEO named as Howard Schultz has an idea of operating some opera music in the store speaker. This idea; according to him can accentuate the experience of coffee houses. What he actually tried to do was to imitate the idea of the Italian coffee houses. The customer response was not as it was expected. They did not seem to like it the way company has suggested and suggested their dislike for the music. They also suggested that they do not feel their coffee experience with this sound. after this failed experience, the CEO tried to introduced the comfortable chairs and aesthetic ambiance which proved to be a lot more helpful in this regard.