Honey jars are a great way to preserve food. They’re also becoming a more common impulse buy and it’s getting harder to find them in bulk. By having the required knowledge of what you should look for, and how to purchase the honey jars bulk, you can save money and be an educated consumer. Here are some factors to consider when purchasing honey jars in bulk.
Size is a key ingredient when buying honey jars. The size will decide how much honey you can place inside. Depending on the type of honey you’re looking to buy, one or several jars might be needed. For normal honey, one or two jars should be sufficient. Specialty honey, say orange blossom or cinnamon honey, they normally come in bulk sizes of five and ten pounds. Therefore, keep that in mind when buying bulk honey jars because if it’s not enough, you might have to re-purchase again. Buying from wholesale companies will ensure that you get the best honey in bulk sizes.
Plastic is normally used to make jar lids and metal is used for the jar itself. More specifically, buy plastic lids that have ridges on them so the seal will stick better on the lid when you close it. The most common material used to make honey jars is glass and plastic. The advantage of glass is that it’s more durable and can be reused a lot more times than plastic. Plastic is usually lighter than glass and less apt to break when dropped or mishandled. Therefore, keep this in mind when buying honey jars in bulk what’s more important to you, how long you’ll be storing them for, or how often you will use them?
It’s crucial to label your honey jars. Most bulk sizes will have a large label that can be used to indicate the type of honey and the expiration date. Most honey has an expiration date of two years so make sure you mark it correctly by either writing on the label or attaching a sticker to it. This way, you’ll know exactly when you purchased it and how long you have before it expires.
Overall Look
When buying honey jars in bulk, make sure to give them a once over before buying them. Check to make sure there aren’t any chips or cracks on the jar and that the plastic lid isn’t damaged at all. If possible, try looking through the clear glass part of the jar so you can see if there are any air bubbles that might mar your product. While the jar might not be perfect, it doesn’t mean you should pass it up. If you can’t find anything wrong with it, then that’s great! Just make sure to ask the seller if they’re willing to sell you a few extra jars in case something happens and you need more.
By shopping for honey jars bulk, you ensure that you’re getting the best quality product. Whether it’s online or through an office supply store, the options are limitless for bulk honey jars. Whether you are buying honey jars in bulk for yourself or as a gift, it’s a great idea that can contribute to making your food preservation efforts more successful.